**** NEEDS UPDATING FOR FAIM'96 VERSION **** readme.txt for: A Survey of CAE Trends: Engineering Frameworks MERL Hitachi, Ltd. hmerlsv1 Unix file: ~peak/www/publications/merl/trends/readme.txt Web: http://hmerlsv1:8080/~peak/publications/merl/trends/readme.txt 95.9.20 R. Peak == Overall - See http://hmerlsv1:8080/~peak/publications/merl/trends/ for all files: coversheet.ps - PostScript version of index.html efw-prt.jwd - MS-Word 6.0 JP doc file index.html - reference page containing abstract, etc. framework.html - html version of report (includes title, etc) framework.ps.Z - compressed PostScript version based on framework.html (prepared as described below) readme.txt - this file (plus supporting graphics files, *.gif) - Master files are html versions (listed above), plus readme.txt (this file) in Unix. - DOS files derived from html (per below procedure): efw-prt.doc - MS-Word 6.0 English - has Internet Asst. for .htm -> .doc conversion - intermediate step efw-prt.jwd - MS-Word 6.0 JP - *final* printed version (includes japanese abstract and shoken) == How Printed Version (efw-prt.jwd) Was Created: 1. Assembled separate files into one: cat frameworks.html \ ~/www/step/sampler/index.html \ ~/www/step/sampler/starters.html \ ~/www/step/sampler/resources.html \ ~/www/step/sampler/references.html \ ~/www/step/sampler/providers.html \ ~/www/step/sampler/examples.html \ > efw-prt.htm 2. Then in Unix edit/delete: - html headers and menus in STEP Sampler - STEP references (too many - around 7 pages) - add section #s to App. A. 3. In MS Word 6.0 E (with Internet Assistant option), view as html in Web browsing mode (with file still in Unix prt-efw.html so that bitmaps are also shown). Copy and paste into new doc using htmlprt.dot template (adds page numbers, etc). - hide title, etc. - add page numbers in TOC - adjust page breaks - unlink links that are too long (won't wrap) from Insert, Link, Unlink menu, then apply character style "Link". Resulting file is efw-prt.doc. 4. Copy efw-prt.doc to efw-prt.jwd, then read into Word 6.0 JP. - add Japanese parts (abstract, shoken) - update page #s (F9) 5. Print: - draft (from Mosaic) 850 wide with Regular New Century font. - from MS Word after above preparation, print as usual to framework.ps file 6. coversheet.ps - created by viewing index.html in Mosaic and printing PostScript to file.