Efw - A Prototype Engineering Framework with Graph-based Tool Agents

What is a Framework?

"... an infrastructure of software and interfaces that enable the integration and interoperability of [engineering] systems" - CFI FAQ

One answer to the question:

"How do we connect people, their models, and their tools?" Olsen [1994]

[Agent Interaction - People, Models, Tools]

( from Survey of Engineering Framework Technology, [Peak, 1996] )

Example Framework Objects

- Represent the computing infrastructure of a group or company.

- Enables interaction of "people, their models, and their tools"

Typical Analysis Process (e.g., Finite Element Analysis)

Tool Agents

Support highly automated analysis:

Agent Plans

Agent "work flow diagram" defining connections between client, data items, and tool runs.

Typical Plan


Cadas SMM - Plan with FEX/Solver

Example Plan Instance (usage of a plan)

Agent Plans and Graph Theory

An agent plan is a type of directed acyclic graph (dag)

where vertices are:

data items, tool runs, and the client
and edges are:
data item usage links and creation links.

Graph Theory Benefits


Characteristics of Computing Environment

(e.g., experiences at AT&T Bell Labs, Hitachi, and Georgia Tech)

Characteristics of Prototype Framework: Efw


Costs - "There's no free lunch!"

Summary - Efw Framework and Agents


[ Contents | Background | MRA Overview | Examples | Methodology | Summary | References ]
[ MRA Overview: SMMs - ABBs - PMs - PBAMs ]