[TIGER Logo] Design-Analysis Integration Focus

As part of TIGER, researchers in the Georgia Tech EIS Lab and CASPAR Lab have focused on a new engineering service bureau paradigm, thermomechanical analysis capabilities, and the underlying CAD/CAE integration techniques. These techniques are based on the design-analysis integration (DAI) thrust within EIS Lab.

For an overview of the product-data driven mechanical analysis capabilities in TIGER, please see:

  • Thermomechanical CAD/CAE Integration in the TIGER PWA Toolset - InterPACK'97.

  • Driving PWA Thermomechanical Analysis from STEP AP210 Product Models - ASME IMECE'97.

    These papers include thermomechanical examples and creation of Ansys finite element models using Mentor Graphics circuit board CAD models via STEP AP210 DIS. The first one shows the context in overall TIGER collaborative engineering scenario. The second one demonstrates application of the Analyzable Product Model (APM) technique that was initiated during TIGER.

    Other TIGER DAI-Related Links

  • Engineering Service Bureau Paradigm - where analysis modules are delivered in TIGER for highly automated usage. (Other delivery mechanisms, including IntrAnet-based ESBs are also possible).

  • Analysis Module Documentation Guidelines - A template for documentation of new Analysis Modules.

  • General EIS Lab Design-Analysis Integration (DAI) Research Thrust

  • DAI exhibits in the EIS Lab Gallery are also open daily.

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