Diego R. Tamburini

Title: EIS Lab Graduate Research Assistant
Status: PhD Student in Mechanical Engineering
Office: Room 215, Manufacturing Research Center, Georgia Tech
Phone: W: (404) 894-8498 , H: (404) 955-5382
Fax: (404) 894-9342
E-mail: diego.tamburini@cad.gatech.edu


1989, Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
1987, Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Universitario Politécnico de las Fuerzas Armadas Nacionales, Venezuela

*Research Interests:

Integration of computer-aided design and analysis tools to support concurrent engineering. Development of engineering information management techniques to integrate multidisciplinary design data. Implementation of solutions for exchanging product design information between engineering organizations.

*Representative Publications:

Tamburini D. R.; Peak, R. S.; Fulton, R. E. (1996) Populating Product Data for Engineering Analysis with Applications to Printed Wiring Assemblies. Application of CAE/CAD to Electronic Systems, EEP-Vol.18, Agonafer, D., et al., eds., 1996 ASME Intl. Mech. Engr. Congress & Expo., Atlanta, 33-46.

Tamburini, D. R.; Peak, R. S.; Fulton, R. E. (1997) The Analyzable Product Model: A Representation to Facilitate Design-Analysis Integration. AIAA Atlanta Section Aerospace Tech. Symposium, March 22, 1997, Atlanta.

Tamburini D. R.; Peak, R. S.; Fulton, R. E. (1997) Driving PWA Thermomechanical Analysis from STEP AP210 Product Models. Application of CAE/CAD to Electronic Systems, Agonafer, D., et al., eds., 1997 ASME Intl. Mech. Engr. Congress & Expo., Dallas, TX., To appear.

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