Challenges in Today's Computing Environments
(Experiences at AT&T Bell Labs, Hitachi MERL, Georgia Tech, etc.)
Highly dynamic (e.g., frequent changes in users and tools)
Not well-defined (e.g., little central knowledge or control).
Not framework-oriented (wrapping tools typically
possible, but an art).
Inherent limits? "Tower of Babel"
Potential Framework Applications in CAE
Development of CAE tools:
Build from existing functional components (e.g., geometric modeling tools).
Create tools that are framework-compatible (usable by other tools).
Creation of specialized tools by wrapping general purpose CAE tools
(e.g., electronic packaging toolset)
Design-analysis integration
including wrapping existing
FEA tools for highly automated use
[Peak, et al., 1995]
Interaction of global/local or micro/macro models
[Shepherd, et al., 1994 at SCOREC]).
Overall Benefit of Framework Technology to CAE
Better products via
Better integration of CAE tools into the product design process.
People, Models, & Tools
R&D Efforts
R. S. Peak