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STEP Sampler - References

This section gives some example STEP references arranged by cateogory and author. However, these may not be the most recent references, and other categorizations are possible. Quoted annotations come from the author(s), as do many of the citations themselves (thus the diversity of formats).

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Curran, L., Mar. 7 1994, "STEP Bridges Way to Better Product Modeling", Mach. Design, p.137-42.

Grabowski, H.; Anderl, R.; Polly, A., 1993, Integriertes Produktmodell, Beuth Verlag, Berlin, Wien, Zuerich. ISBN 3-410-12920-0. (in German)

"... gives an introduction to STEP and includes also a brief discussion of the standard parts activities in WG2. It was published as a result of the German KCIM project and various people of the KCIM team have been deeply involved in the STEP development (as part editors (46,105, 201), project leaders (43, 201 deputies on 47, 48) and Integration stuff). You can find a more detailed description of specification languages and methods (IDEF0, IDEF1x, NIAM, EXPRESS and EXPRESS-G), the STEP "documentation" architecture, the Integrated Resources and Application Protocols and STEP usage in the electric/electronic domain. A special focus is on AP201 because the project leader and part editor of 201 (Peter Kruse & Jens Erb) wrote this chapter together to supplement the material given by the standard." - Adam Polly, Email:

Kawazoe and Andou; Kishinami, Oct., Nov., Dec. 1994,.(a 3 part series overviewing STEP - in Japanese ), Nikkei Computer Graphics.

Owen, John, 1993, STEP: An Introduction, Information Geometers, Winchester, UK, ISBN 1-874728-04-6.

Information Geometers Ltd, 47 Stockers Avenue, Winchester, SO22 5LB, UK
tel: + 44 962 841996, fax: + 44 962 842130

Ryan, S. A., 1992, "PDES/STEP: A Status Report," Engineering Data Management: Key to Integrated Product Development, Chase, T. R., ed., Proc. ASME Intl. Computers in Engineering Conf., San Francisco CA, pp 43-47.

Smith, B. M. (Chairman, TC184/SC4), An Overview of the ISO TC184/SC4 Committee, NIST, Gaithersburg MD USA. <>.

G. Trapp, "The Emerging Step Standard for Product-Model Data Exchange", Computer, vol 26, no 2, pp 85-87, Feb 1993.

P. R. Wilson, "A View of STEP" in P. R. Wilson, M. J. Wozny and M. J. Pratt (editors), Geometric Modeling for Product Realization, North Holland, 1993.


Eastman, C., May 1994, "Out of STEP?", Comp. Aided Design, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp 338-40.

"Connecting Rod Becomes First Product Created under International Modeling Standard," J. Minerals & Metals. Nov. 1993.

P. R. Wilson, "STEP Ballot Results", IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, vol 10, no 3, pp 79-82, May 1990

P. R. Wilson, "PDES STEPs Forward", IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, vol 9, no 2, pp 79-80, March 1989

Yang, Y., 1991, "Three-Schema Implementation in STEP: Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data," ASME Computers in Engineering Conf., Engineering Databases: An Engineering Resource, pp 1-5.

Newsletters and Periodicals

Some STEP software vendors also distribute newsletters.

Engineering Data Newsletter, Datamation Ltd. Contact: Kais Al-Timimi,

Product Data Journal, ProSTEP. Contact: Nigel Shaw,

Product Data International, Warthen Communications. Contact: Barbara Warthen,

An index of PDI articles is available free of charge in digital or paper form.

PRONews, U. S. Pro. Some articles are available online.

ISO Standards (STEP Parts and APs)

Local List of some STEP Parts and APs.

STEP Part-Related References

The below references relate directly to specific STEP Parts. Subsections are organized roughly by Series and Parts.

The EXPRESS Language

The EXPRESS User Group (EUG) has held several international conferences (e.g., EUG'91, EUG'92 and EUG'93). EUG Conference proceedings can be ordered from Mary Johnson at RPI (see below).

ISO TC184/SC4/WG5 N32, 1991 "EXPRESS Usage Guide".

Schenck, D. , and Wilson, P., 1994, Information Modeling the EXPRESS Way, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-508714-3.

Getting Started with EXPRESS-G, 1994, Order-No. E10030-A4T1-A-002, Seimens AG, Erlangen, Germany. (contribution from Fritz Reuter)

P. R. Wilson, ed., 1993, "EXPRESS Tools and Services," Rensselaer Design Research Center Report 93022, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY, USA.

"For those interested in EXPRESS compilers and other tools, I have produced a Compendium of those known to the EXPRESS Committee. This is updated a couple of times a year. It is available electronically via the SOLIS system (in subdirectory step/sc4docs/express). It is also available as a paper document, the latest version of which is [referenced above]. Note that the electronic version is often more up to date than the paper version." Peter Wilson, (see also the Software Providers page).
Rensselaer reports can be ordered from: Mary Johnson, Design & Manufacturing Institute, CII 7015, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590, USA. Tel: (518) 276-6754. Fax: (518) 276-2702. Email:

P. R. Wilson, "EUG'91 Meeting Notes", SIGMOD Record, vol 21, no 1, pp 90-92, March 1992.

Integrated Resources

See also the WG4/P2 "STEP Resource Integration" web site at Karlsruhe.

Shah J.J. and Mathew A. 1991. "Experimental Investigation of the STEP Form-Feature Information Model". Computer Aided Design Journal. Vol. 23, No.4, May, pp. 282-296.

Yeh, C. P., Fulton, R. E., Peak, R. S., Dec. 1991, "A Prototype Information Integration Framework for Electronic Packaging," Paper 91-WA/EEP-43, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Atlanta.

Shows how Ansys finite element analysis (FEA) results can be loaded into a relational database structured after Part 104.

Application Protocols

ISO TC184/SC4/WG4 N34 (P5), 1992 "Guidelines for the Development and Approval of STEP Application Protocols, Version 1.0".

Schneider, P.; Ortiz, R.; Ehrenberg, B.: Process Chain Integration using a Common Product Data Model; Design and Documentation of Harnesses as a test case for a step by step Process Chain Optimization using a Product Data Model based on STEP AP212. In: Proc. of the 10th CIM-Europe Annual Conference. 5th-7th October, Copenhagen, Denmark.

"In [this] paper we addressed our actually activities by the implementation of an AP212-based neutral database. Our implementation has a prototype character, but the results shows that the real world application of the presented concepts would have a lot of benefits. The application area is wiring design in aircraft engineering."

Application Protocols - Electrical Applications

See also the JWG9 web site at U. Chiba.

Lars Celander, "STEP: A New Standard for EDA Tools", EDN, April 13, 1995.

Copies available from: University Microfilm, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 USA, +1-800-521-0600

Gadient, A. J.; Graves, G. R.; Boudreaux, J. C., PreAmp: A STEP Based Concurrent Engineering. Environment for Printed Circuit Assemblies, Proc. 1994 Concurrent Engineering, Research and Applications Conf., 529-537.

Conference sponsored by the International Society for Productivity Enhancement (ISPE) and CTC, 1450 Scalp Avenue, Johnstown, PA 15904. voice: 1-800-CTC-4392.

Hines, L. E., and Gadient, A. J. (SCRA), August 1994, "EXPRESS Driven Data Conversion", Proc. 1994 Concurrent Engineering, Research and Applications Conf., 313-322. Includes AP210 usage.


ISO 13584, Parts Library Data, unofficially called P-LIB, is closely aligned with STEP and is aimed at developing a mechanism for the representation and sharing of component part library data. See the P-LIB Web site at Clausthal, or send a request for ftp instructions to:

Other Articles & News Releases

See Press Releases and PDE-Related Articles at the U. S. Pro site for chronological listings (and some online versions).

Other Applications & Extensions

This section is for references that may not strictly use the STEP standards themselves, but rather utilize and/or propose STEP-oriented technology.

Under Construction!

Wu J.K., Liu T.H. and Fisher G.W. 1992. "An Integrated PDES/STEP Based Information Model for CAE and CAM Applications". Technical Report R-129, Center for Simulation and Design Optimization of Mechanical Systems, The University of Iowa.

Georgia Tech Design-Analysis Integration Research

Peak, R. S. and Fulton, R. E., April 1992, "Selection of Printed Wiring Assembly Components Using a Multidisciplinary Integrated Information Framework," Proc. Joint ASME/JSME Conf. on Electronic Packaging - Advances in Electronic Packaging, Chen, W. T. and Abe, H., eds., Milpitas CA, USA, pp. 57-65.

Illustrates how STEP-like product models can aide the component selection process.

Related Technology

Information Technology - Misc.

Bray, O. H., 1988, Computer Integrated Manufacturing - The Data Management Strategy, Digital Press, Bedford MA, USA.

Rada R. and Berg J., "Standards: Free or Sold", Comm. ACM, Vol.38, No.2, Feb. 1995, p.23-27

P. R. Wilson, "Standards: Past Tense and Future Perfect?", IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, vol 11, no 1, pp 44-48, Jan 1991

P. R. Wilson, "A Short History of CAD Data Transfer Standards", IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, vol 7, no 6, pp 64-67, June 1987

P. R. Wilson, "Information and/or Data" IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, vol 7, no 11, pp 58-61, Nov 1987

P. R. Wilson, "Information Modeling", IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, vol 7, no 12, pp 65-67, Dec 1987

Information Modeling - Other Languages

Eastman, C. M.; Fereshetian, N. (1994) Information Models for Use in Product Design: A Comparison. Comp.-Aided Design, 26(7) 551-572.

P. R. Wilson, "Modeling Languages Compared: EXPRESS, IDEF1X, NIAM, OMT and Shlaer-Mellor", Rensselaer Design Research Center Report 91015, 1991.

M. R. Genesereth, R. E. Fikes (editors), Knowledge Interchange Format, Version 3.0 Reference Manual. Computer Science Department, Stanford University, Technical Report Logic-92-1, June 1992.

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