1999 EventsSee also Upcoming Events and EIS Lab Publications. January 27-28, 1999 - ProAm WIP Demo & Project Meeting, Georgia Tech, Mfg. Research Center Auditorium. May 21, 1999 - Doctoral Thesis Defense, The Analyzable Product Model Representation to Support Design-Analysis Integration by Diego Tamburini, Georgia Tech Manufacturing Related Disciplines Complex (MRDC), Room 4211, 1:00 p.m.. June 17-18, 1999 - ProAM Project Demonstration - Atlanta September 9, 1999 - Masters Thesis Defense, Interfacing Geometric Design Models to Analyzable Product Models with Multifidelity and Mismatched Analysis Geometry by Ashok Chandrasekhar, Georgia Tech, Mfg. Research Center (MARC), Room 201, 3:00 p.m. September 12-15, 1999 - ASME 1999 DETC/CIE Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada September 16, 1999 - Visit & Seminar, "A Method for Analyzing Electromagnetic-Force-Induced Vibration and Noise from Motors" by Dr. Koki Shiohata (Hitachi MERL) September 20-22, 1999 - SPIE Intl. Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Advanced Mfg., Photonics East '99, Boston.
September 25, 1999 - Webelos Scout Visit to EIS Lab. Pictures. September 27, 1998 - Invited Talk, NSF/NIST Workshop on Building Object Modeling, Georgia Tech, Atlanta. October 4, 1999 - Invited Talk, Mechnical Section, National Academy of Engineers 1999 Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. Fulton, R.E. (1999) Impact of Electronic Commerce on Concurrent Engineering (EC/CE). November 30-December 2, 1999 - 21st Century Commerce Expo, Assoc. for Enterprise Integration (AFEI), San Diego,
CA. December 7-9, 1999 - GCA Conference, Markup Technologies '99, Philadelphia, PA.