Robbie Don Ludlow
Title: |
EIS Lab Graduate Research Assistant |
Status: |
MS Student in Mechanical Engineering |
Office: |
Room 267, Manufacturing Research Center |
Phone: |
W: (404) 385 1674 , H: (404) 206-4171 |
Fax: |
(404) 894-9342 |
Address: |
Engineering Information Systems Lab
School of Mechanical Engineering, ME Box 667
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0405 USA
E-mail: |
M.S & MBA. |
2004, Mechanical Engineering & Business Administration , Georgia Institute of Technology |
B.S. |
2000, Mechanical Engineering, University of Alabama |
Research Interests
My research interest lies in product data management also known as PDM.
I am currently exploring commercial PDM systems such as SDRC’s Metaphase
and Dassault System’s Enovia as well as custom created PDM systems from
assorted private vendors. The exploration mainly involves both learning
how to run the software from a user’s perspective as well as from a developer’s
perspective. Future work will lie in PDM Schema, another standard of STEP,
which is being sponsored by JPL/NASA. This research mainly involves figuring
out how to get more associativity into PDM Systems and integrate PDM with design
and analysis engineering tools.
Representative Publications
Other EIS Lab Publications
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