Simulation & Analysis Using SysML—Experiences Applying SysML in an Excavator TestbedCitationPeak RS (2008) Simulation & Analysis Using SysML—Experiences Applying SysML in an Excavator Testbed. Invited Talk, INCOSE Sweden Autumn Seminar, Stockholm. AbstractThis presentation overviews Phase 1 experiences in an excavator testbed that interconnects simulation models with diverse system and design models to enable advanced model-based systems engineering (MBSE). We employ OMG SysML™ as the primary technology to achieve multi-level, multi-fidelity interoperability, while also leveraging conventional modeling & simulation tools including CAD, spreadsheets, math solvers, FEA, discrete event solvers, and optimization tools. This work is part of the Modeling & Simulation Interoperability Team (MSI) within the INCOSE MBSE Challenge. DocumentsPresentation: ppt