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The Analyzable Product Model Representation to Support Design-Analysis Integration


Tamburini, D. R., The Analyzable Product Model Representation to Support Design-Analysis Integration (1997, Doctoral Thesis Proposal, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta.


thesis, design analysis integration, CAE, CAD, analyzable product model, data modeling, APM, engineering database, idealization, AP210, STEP, ISO 10303, thermomechanical, object-oriented


This thesis focuses on developing a formal engineering representation, specifically tailored for analysis, whose purpose is to facilitate design-analysis integration. This representation, called Analyzable Product Model (APM), is an object-oriented data model for a single, integrated repository that sits between the de-sign and analysis representations and provides a more analysis-oriented view of the product. From this APM, analysis applications can extract the information they need, including product idealizations. Be-sides providing a single source of analysis information, the APM will bridge the semantic and syntactic gap between design and analysis and enable reusability by supporting data entities and idealizations that are shared among multiple analyses.

Hence, the main objective of this thesis is to develop a formal, generic APM specification that can be used for developing new APMs to integrate specific CAD/CAE representations. This specification will be based on mathematical definitions not only for the data structure of the APM, but also for the mappings required to retrieve and integrate design information from several sources and the transformations re-quired to idealize this information. This thesis will demonstrate how APMs can support representative types of idealizations (geometric, material, environmental, etc.). This thesis will also show the feasibility of implementing these mathematical definitions in a computer-interpretable form so that they can be used in the development of analysis applications, and introduce some auxiliary graphical models to aid in the development, understanding and human communication of complex APMs. The APM approach will also take advantage of existing exchange standards to represent design information in a neutral way.