This TIGER scenario has been tested with Boeing and Holaday Circuits as a representative prime and supplier, respectively. Other team members are Arthur D. Little (ADL), the Atlanta Electronic Commerce Resource Center (AECRC), Georgia Tech, International TechneGroup Inc. (ITI), and SCRA (the program lead).
On Feb. 21, 1997 the TIGER Team conducted the premier demonstration of the overall scenario depicted in (Fig. 1). Each IPT member was represented in the SCRA auditorium at Charleston SC: Prime designer; 1st Tier manufacturing engineer and procurement assistant; and SME fabrication engineer and salesman. With each person physically located at separate workstations/PCs, design and business information was exchanged some 20 times during the hour long demo. From his PC, the fabrication engineer uploaded the live, Mentor Graphics-originated AP210 model to U-Engineer (the self-service analysis bureau physically located in Atlanta). He then performed warpage analysis iterations over the Internet as illustrated above (Fig. 2), including automated Ansys model creation displayed in real time via X Windows.
The same scenario has also been performed by Boeing and Holaday personnel while physically located in Seattle WA, Irving TX, and Minnetonka MN, confirming that TIGER is truly "a STEP towards printed circuit design iterations in about an hour".
Based on extracts from Peak, et al. (1997) Thermomechanical CAD/CAE Integration in the TIGER PWA Toolset. InterPACK'97.