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XAI Research & Development - Suggested Starting Points

The following list is a suggested sequence to learn more about our X-analysis integration (XAI) research and development, including design-analysis integration (DAI) research. Many of the publications are accessible online by following the web links. The sequence starts with user-oriented views and proceeds to the underlying techniques and further examples.

Further references are given in XAI Central and DAI Publications. A DAI Glossary is also available.


X-Analysis Integration / Multi-Representation Architecture (XAI/MRA) Research Overview.
    Brief description with annotated bibliography. Presentation-style overviews.


Projects, including: Boeing PSI, NIST DAI, NIST Board Warpage, ProAM, and Shinko

D Zwemer, M Bajaj, RS Peak, TR Thurman, K Brady, S McCarron, A Spradling, M Dickerson, L Klein, G Liutkus, J Messina (2004) PWB Warpage Analysis and Verification Using an AP210 Standards-based Engineering Framework and Shadow Moiré, IEEE EuroSimE Conference, Brussels.

RS Peak, R Matsuki, MW Wilson, D Koo, AJ Scholand, Y Hatcho, S Zeng (2001) An Object-Oriented Internet-based Framework for Chip Package Thermal and Stress Simulation. InterPACK'01, Hawaii.
    Overviews MRA-based automation of thermal resistance analysis for electronic packages, including product-data driven variable topology FEA solutions.

R. S. Peak, A. J. Scholand, R. E. Fulton, D. Koo, D. R. Tamburini, M. W. Wilson, S. Zeng, J. H. Roberts, P. J. Spann (Aug 23, 1999c) Product Data-Driven Analysis in a Missile Supply Chain (ProAM) Final Report, Georgia Tech Engineering Information Systems Lab Technical Report E-15-642-D05, Concurrent Technologies Corp Contract N00140-96-D-1818/0008 for US DoD JECPO.
    Describes tools and techniques developed in the ProAM project. Techniques cover general analysis integration and Internet-based engineering service bureau (ESB) concepts. PWA/B applications include the XaiTools™ toolkit and U-Engineer.com.

R. S. Peak, R. E. Fulton, A. Chandrasekhar, S. Cimtalay, M. A. Hale, D. Koo, L. Ma, A. J. Scholand, D. R. Tamburini, M. W. Wilson (Feb. 2, 1999) Design-Analysis Associativity Technology for PSI, Phase I Report: Pilot Demonstration of STEP-based Stress Templates Georgia Tech Project E15-647, The Boeing Company Contract W309702.
    Overviews MRA applications relevant to integration of aerospace structural analysis. Includes CBAM concepts, APM links to CATIA CAD models, and XaiTools usage of Mathematica as a COB-based constraint solver.

Peak, R. S.; Fulton, R. E.; Sitaraman, S. K. (1997) Thermomechanical CAD/CAE Integration in the TIGER PWA Toolset. InterPACK'97, June 15-19, 1997, Kohala Coast, Hawaii, 957-962.
    Shows how MRA techniques were applied in the DARPA-sponsored TIGER Program. Includes PWA and PWB thermomechanical analyses driven by STEP AP210 product models that originated in the Mentor Graphics BoardStation layout tool.

Peak, R. S.; Fulton, R. E. (1993b) Automating Routine Analysis in Electronic Packaging Using Product Model-Based Analytical Models (PBAMs), Part II: Solder Joint Fatigue Case Studies. Paper 93-WA/EEP-24, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, New Orleans.
    Condensed version of solder joint analysis case studies in [Peak, 1993]. Illustrates automated routine analysis, mixed formula-based and FEA-based analysis models, multidirectional analysis, and capabilities of constraint schematic notation.

The Multi-Representation Architecture (MRA) Technique

Wilson MW, Peak RS, Fulton RE (2001) Enhancing Engineering Design and Analysis Interoperability - Part 1: Constrained Objects, First MIT Conference Computational Fluid and Structural Mechanics (CFSM), Boston. Received Young Researcher Fellowship award.

Peak RS and Wilson MW (2001) Enhancing Engineering Design and Analysis Interoperability Part 2: A High Diversity Example, First MIT Conference Computational Fluid and Structural Mechanics (CFSM), Boston.

Peak, R.S.; Scholand, A.J.; Tamburini, D.R.; Fulton, R.E. (1999) Towards the Ubiquitization of Engineering Analysis to Support Product Design , Invited Paper for Special Issue: Advanced Product Data Management Supporting Product Life-Cycle Activities, Intl. J. Computer Applications in Technology, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1-15.
    Overviews the ubiquitization methodology for creating highly automated product data-driven analysis modules that can be implemented in the MRA.

Peak, R.S.; Fulton, R.E.; Nishigaki, I.; Okamoto, N. (1998) Integrating Engineering Design and Analysis Using a Multi-Representation Approach , Engineering with Computers, Volume 14, Number 2., 93-114.
    Introduces the multi-representation architecture (MRA) which places product models (PMs), PBAMs, ABBs, and solution method models (SMMs) in a broader, interdependent context. Presents the explicit representation of design-analysis associativity, and proposes a routine analysis automation methodology.

Peak, R. S. (1993) Product Model-Based Analytical Models (PBAMs): A New Representation of Engineering Analysis Models. Doctoral Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta.
    Focuses on the PBAM representation (including the ABB representation and constraint schematics) and automation of routine analysis. Includes example applications to solder joint analysis, and defines objectives for analysis model representations. Contains a starter set of ABBs. Discusses PMs and a precursor to SMMs, but does not explicitly define the MRA itself.

Analyzable Product Model (APM) Technique

Tamburini, D. R. (1999) The Analyzable Product Model Representation to Support Design-Analysis Integration. Doctoral Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta.
    Defines the analyzable product model (APM) technique that facilitates design-analysis integration. This representation defines formal, generic, computer-interpretable constructs to create and manipulate analysis-oriented views of engineering products. Capabilities include merging design information from multiple sources and adding idealization knowledge for usage by diverse simulation templates.

Tamburini, D. R.; Peak, R. S.; Fulton, R. E. (1997) Driving PWA Thermomechanical Analysis from STEP AP210 Product Models. 1997 ASME Intl. Mech. Engr. Congress & Expo., Dallas.

Tamburini, D. R.; Peak, R. S.; Fulton, R. E. (1996) Populating Product Data for Engineering Analysis with Applications to Printed Wiring Assemblies. Application of CAE/CAD to Electronic Systems, EEP-Vol.18, Agonafer, D., et al., eds., 1996 ASME Intl. Mech. Engr.Congress & Expo., Atlanta, 33-46.
    Introduces the analyzable product model (APM) as a refined type of product model (PM) aimed specifically at supporting analysis. Describes how to populate APMs from design tool data via STEP.

Parametric, Modular Finite Element Modeling

Zeng S., Peak R., Matsuki R., Xiao A., Wilson M., Fulton R. E. (2003), An Information-Driven FEA Model Generation Approach for Chip Package Applications, ASME CIE Conf., Chicago.
    Describes technique for representing analysis model knowledge to enable automated meshing of highly coupled variable topology multi-body (VTMB) models.

Zhou, Wen X. (1997), Modularized & Parametric Modeling Methodology for Concurrent Mechanical Design of Electronic Packaging , Doctoral Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta.
    Defines technique for taking advantage of product-specific knowledge to create complex finite element models that are not practical with typical automeshing methods.

Zhou, W. X.; Hsiung, C. H.; Fulton, R. E.; Yin, X. F.; Yeh, C. P.; Wyatt, K. (1997) CAD-Based Analysis Tools for Electronic Packaging Design (A New Modeling Methodology for a Virtual Development Environment). InterPACK'97, Kohala Coast, Hawaii.
    Overview of [Zhou, 1997] as well as interactive finite element models.